Maximizing B2G Pipeline Effectiveness

Unlock the secrets to maximizing your B2G campaign effectiveness with this in-depth course on the GovBuyer’s Journey™.   This free class is designed for government technology marketers looking to enhance their marketing strategies and improve their MQL to SQL conversion.

Presented by Juliana Slye, CEO of Government Business Results, LLC, and Molly Tomevi, Director of Marketing at Carahsoft Technology Corp. at the GAIN 2023 conference, this session is packed with actionable insights and proven tactics tailored for the unique challenges of B2G marketing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the distinctive stages of the GovBuyers’ Journey and how to navigate them effectively
  • Learn strategies for creating effective touchpoints that convert B2G MQLs to SQLs
  • Discover how and when to apply tactics like multi-channel campaigns and content syndication the Journey
  • Gain insights into best practices for digital and physical marketing touches in your government marketing campaign
  • Explore real-world case studies and examples from leading B2G marketing campaigns

Watch this free training session now!